Friday, December 18, 2015

My Little Pony story ( Fan Made ) : "A Royal Holiday"

Hello again! This story is about 3 famous princesses. Their names are Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Cadance. I hope you enjoy this story!

Story Time!

One day, in Canterlot, three princesses were busy doing their royal task. Princess Luna sighed. Princess Cadance was bored. Princess Celestia was tired. Then, Princess Celestia had an idea. "Alright princesses! I think we should stop working and take a break!",Celestia happily said. "That would be a lovely idea!", Princess Cadance replied, in an excited voice. "Wait! What about our royal duties? The ponies all over Equestria need us!", Luna panicked. "Don't worry Luna, we have Twilight, remember?", Celestia answered. "Alright then, I guess we could go...",Luna said. "YAY!", Cadance was so excited(it's been a while since she had her last holiday).The princesses flew with their wings and started to find a place where they could stay. They found a perfect place, Ponyville. Ponyville is a peaceful place with lots of friendly ponies, wouldn't it be a great place to have a holiday? The princesses were super excited to be in Ponyville. Ponyville is way different than Canterlot. Canterlot is filled with lots of busy, unkind ponies. Princess Cadance bought some sweet treats from SugarCube Corner. Princess Luna was admiring the beautiful environment. Princess Celestia decided to read books in Twilight Sparkle's Friendship Castle. Suddenly there was a loud voice. It sounded like a thousand of flies. The ponies came out of their houses and started to cry for help. It wasn't flies, it was Changelings. Changelings are evil black alicorns. The leader of the Changelings was Queen Chrysalis. The princesses had to act fast. Princess Celestia blasted a Changeling with her magic. The Changelings responded quickly, they ATTACKED! Princess Cadance created a shield with her magic to protect the residents of Ponyville. Princess Luna was handling all the Changelings. Princess Celestia tried to attack Queen Chrysalis. Princess Celestia's attack missed, and the Queen laughed. Queen Chrysalis blasted Celestia with her most powerful magic. It hit Celestia! Princess Celestia fainted. The ponies were surprised to see Queen Chrysalis defeated the most powerful ruler of Equestria." No! Celestia ! wake up!", Princess Luna yelled. The Queen, was so proud of herself. Princess Luna and Princess Cadance combined their magic and prepared to blast the Queen. The Queen didn't pay attention because she was too busy laughing. The princesses released their magic and it hit the Queen and all of her minions. Princess Celestia woke up and saw Ponyville wasn't in danger anymore. "I guess we must go back...", Princess Celestia sighed. "It's okay, sis!",Princess Luna replied. Then, they went back to Canterlot and finished their royal duties. THE END.


  1. this is not really a short story, it's kinda a bit too much don't you think so?

  2. Wow!! It's very cool story. It reminds me to my favourite story :)

  3. sorry, im a little bit sick... I need to rest a bit...
